Anyone ever try a DLRR 2-4-4 in on30?
Anyone ever try a DLRR 2-4-4 in on30?
Has anyone tried building on30 models of any Disney RR engines? Curious if anyone has ever made an attempt at a 2-4-4?
Re: Anyone ever try a DLRR 2-4-4 in on30?
Nope, I have been contemplating two 2-4-4 forneys in HO to go with my other DLRR Locomotives but they are still on the back burner.
Re: Anyone ever try a DLRR 2-4-4 in on30?
I just acquired an On30 2-4-4T and before I tear into it, wanted to get some insight from others. If nothing else, I'd be curious if there's a cab conversion that is similar to the Ward K.