Disney Train Collectibles - What have you got?  What do you want?

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Post by Pullman »

I've had two carry on items that the x-ray folks enjoyed...

These were both pre-9/11.

The first was an HO scale DRGW M-68 (that's a 4-8-4) in brass with a can motor and the boiler filled with lead. Between the wires and gears and the big block of lead. It was interesting to see on the screen. Add to that packed in foam in the box...

The other was a full-size, five chime, steam locomotive whistle. All that metal and again x-rays didn't go all the way through. It was well packed, too.

In both cases, they made me open the boxes. After the usual, "What is that?", I was on my way to the plane with out further incident.

Edited By Pullman on 1104937531
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Post by Tracks N Slabs »

I had a similar incident coming back from DL several years ago. We had purchased a large replica of the Haunted Mansion gate sign. It was well packed in styrofoam and its original box. It went through x-ray (at John Wayne), and it was entertaining because you could actually read the Haunted Mansion lettering on the x-ray screen. The tech called everyone over to look at it. Glad we could make their day...
The sign now holds a place of honor in our Haunted Bathroom.
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Post by Pullman »

Thinking along the lines of what I want...

How about copies of the drumheads (lighted, of course) from the rear of the trains? Even in a reduced size that might make a neat collectible. And while we're at it, full sized number plate replicas? Offer cast in brass or resin.

Why not a reproduction of those early tickets with all of the coupons attached? And how about a fictional version of a DLRR Employee Timetable like those used by the Santa Fe back in 1955? Complete with stations, sidings, and all the correct notations, special instructions, etc. Throw in other fictional employee paperwork like train orders, switchlists, telegrams, trip passes and more. A paper pack of goodies.

Here's a link to a fictional timetable I did for our model railroad club a few years back to give an example.

Diablo Valley Lines Employee Timetable

Let's see some more suggestions!
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Post by Tracks N Slabs »

I like the idea of drum lights, the reduced size ones, as I am already running out of wall space, maybe in the 8" to 12" range??
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Post by Steve DeGaetano »

I really like what Bill Colley does with his pins. That "DRR" pin is in a class by itself, it's so nice. It looks like something Disney made.

The drumheads may make interesting pieces. All we need is appropriate artwork. Oh, Preston...?!

The number plates of 1 and 2 are generic, and 3 & 4 are typical Baldwin. In other words, I don't know how evocative they are of the Disneyland Railroad.

I'd love to reproduce a couple of the conductor hat badges, from the earliest days before they went to the "hump" style used today. Or, with the hump style, it would be nice to have "Station Agent" or "Brakeman" badges.

One collectible I'm still searching for is a brass pin that the conductors wore on their lapels--simple brass letters that said "SF&DRR."

If you call your congressman, you can order a flag that was flown (momentarily) over the U.S. Capitol. How 'bout being able to purchase a set of green pilot flags that were used on your favorite engine? They would look great, crossed and hanging on your train room wall.

Ever check out those 5/8th scale marker lamps on the cars? How cool would those be?

Of course, nicely-made models of the engines or cars, or even the stations (like they diid for WDW's Main Street Station), would be much appreicated. Especially in "O" scale, if I may be so bold!

The latest edition of Welcome Aboard the Disneyland Railroad! is now available to pre-order, with a special price for Burnslanders! You can read more about the book and pre-order a copy from http://www.burnsland.com/store/dlrrbook.shtml
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Post by Retlaw7 »

Thank you Steve for the nice comment about the DRR pins. Could there be SF&D and DRR lapel pins in the future as you mentioned?!!!!
Speaking of DRR collectables, I have two original 5/8 scale spikes,unused, that Main Street area management had gold leafed for me when I left the Park back in 1990. One is mounted to a nicely finished piece of Oak with the words "Golden Spike" written on it by the D-Land sign shop and signed on the back by all of the area supervision at the time. I also have an original Disneyland Railroad Bolster cover as Steve mentions in his book. One of my most cherished items is a fully unused black book of matches from the old, now defunct, Grand Hotel that has "Retlaw" printed in gold on it.It was from our Christmas party back in 1979. I've also got stories about how I received a set of Retlaw coat and vest buttons and one about how I received a complete set of the three hat badges but those will have to wait until Steve comes out with his second edition. Anyone want to hear Monorail stories from the old Mark 3 days?!!!
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Post by Steve »

Retlaw7 wrote:Anyone want to hear Monorail stories from the old Mark 3 days?!!!

Sure! I enjoy the Monorails, although not quite as much as the trains! :) But to me, the two have many similarities, and I always enjoy a good Monorail ride.
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Post by Locoboy5150 »

I love the Disney monorails too! I'll admit that I'm not as much a fan of them as my friend that built a backyard monorail behind his house. I last went to his place when the beamway was all done and he was still building the trainset and it's COOL! It's also *very* scary looking! :laugh:
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Post by FirehouseFivePlusTwo »

I'd love to have the flag for sale deal like the Durango and Silverton has. This last summer, I found a couple unused spikes up at Hermosa on the D&S and brought them home. My luggage came in a bit overweight with the spikes, but the airline clerk let it slide.:)
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Post by Tracks N Slabs »

What was the Flag sale @ D&SNGRR??
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