http://micechat.com/186433-disneyland-r ... food-wine/
That was taken inside The World of Disney at Downtown Disney in CA. After having come back from a recent trip to Tokyo Disneyland, the photo was a sad reminder to me of one of the biggest differences between the US Disney theme parks and the Japanese Disney Theme parks:
The Duffy Difference.
(At least that's what I call it.)
You might be asking, "What the...???" If you're asking that then you've never been to Tokyo Disneyland (TDL) or DisneySea (DS.) If you know *exactly* what I'm talking about, then you have been to those two parks. As simple way to illustrate The Duffy Difference, just compare the above photo to this one:
That is a picture taken inside the Aunt Peg's Village Store, a large shop in the Cape Cod section of American Waterfront in DS. It's an entire store devoted to Duffy and Duffy merchandise. It also is always jam packed with people every time that I've been to DS and people have baskets and their arms full of merchandise. The cash registers are churning away from park opening until closing.
The Japanese fans just *LOVE* Duffy! They love Duffy so much, they actually have several characters over there in the Duffy universe. There's also Shellie May (who is also here in the US,) Gelatoni the cat, and now Stella Lou the rabbit. There is also a pelican character too but I can't remember his name.
For some reason poor Duffy can't get out of what look like garbage cans in CA while he's a major celebrity over in Japan. Sights like this are very common in Japan:
http://www.castlescapesandclones.com/20 ... e-cod.html

https://www.havehalalwilltravel.com/blo ... xperience/
What's interesting is that Duffy was never even originally created for the Japanese parks. He was created for Walt Disney World in 2002. For some unknown reason though, he just collects dust at the US parks but they can't keep him and his friends in stock in the Japanese parks. Over there, Dufffy is more popular than Mickey Mouse or at least it sure seems that way when I just walk around looking at the merchandise that people are buying and walking around with. It's befuddling! All of the stores in TDL and DS have large sections of their sales floor devoted just to Duffy merchandise:
Tom Bricker even wrote about The Duffy Difference (though he called it a "phenomenon") The Disney Tourist Blog:
They even decorated the monorails over there:
http://www.disneytouristblog.com/duffy- ... -gelatoni/
I rode in them throughout my first trip to TDL and DS and they were Duffy-tastic!
Anyway...just another example of how the Japanese Disney theme parks are vastly different than the US ones. If you're American, you just don't get it and I guess that you probably never will. (I sure don't!) Oh well...it's just part of the fun of visiting TDL and DS. I keep saying this more and more...
Only in Japan!