Fred's Cab for sale?

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Fred's Cab for sale?

Post by WesternRiverRR »

So yesterday morning, I woke up to a posting on Facebook from a name I didn't recognize offering the 2007-ish rehab discarded cab off the Gurley for sale! :shock:

It was located in Atascadero, CA - and the seller even offered to forklift it on to transport for the buyer.
In doing some sleuthing, it appears the person selling had their own full size narrow gauge railroad projects - and may have been involved with the Santa Margarita, Norgrove (or both), railroads.

I had to wait until the wife got home late last night to ask for permission to buy it... she wanted to think on it... and this morning, over coffee, she said yes! (I clearly married the right person! :lol: )

But of course - now disaster - all traces of that sale have been wiped from Facebook.
I can't find it on any of the Disney / Foamer forums it was posted in...
I can find one broken link on google to it, but that's it.

By any chance - did anyone here happen to screen grab, or make note of the gentleman offering it for sale?!

(I'm hoping it was taken down by the mouse police, and not because it sold that quickly... I mean, it wasn't THAT cheap - so hopefully it's still available, if only as a 'private transaction')

Long shot, I know - but thought I'd ask here just in case.

Steve DeGaetano
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Re: Fred's Cab for sale?

Post by Steve DeGaetano »

Sorry Josh, I missed that! Would have made a pretty neat garden shed.

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Re: Fred's Cab for sale?

Post by Brian »

Wow! That would have been a opportunity. Hope you can get in contact with the seller! Good Luck! :D
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Re: Fred's Cab for sale?

Post by BaldwinsForever »

Wow! This could’ve been a buy now, ask for forgiveness later situations.

Where on Facebook was this posted? I have to be on there haha
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Re: Fred's Cab for sale?

Post by steveb48 »

It was sold.

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Re: Fred's Cab for sale?

Post by WesternRiverRR »

Hi Steve,

Thanks for that - how did you find that?!
I've spent a week digging and digging - tried messaging folks, etc.

Real shame the guy selling it could just be above board and post "sold" rather than the cloak and dager... would have saved me a heck of a lot of time.

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Re: Fred's Cab for sale?

Post by WesternRiverRR »

BaldwinsForever wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 11:20 pm Wow! This could’ve been a buy now, ask for forgiveness later situations.
I'd typically agree - but 6500 bucks was a touch above our agreed upon "buy first ask later" rules in the house! :?
(Thankfully too - or lord knows what new couch and living room sets would be waiting for me every time I came home from a trip! :lol: :lol: )

BaldwinsForever wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 11:20 pm Where on Facebook was this posted? I have to be on there haha
I first saw the sale on a Facebook group about Disney Railroads - then over the course of the morning, saw it on one or two other closed groups, in Facebook Marketplace, and then Google ads picked it up too.
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Re: Fred's Cab for sale?

Post by steveb48 »

Hi Josh,

I talked to the seller. Once sold, you have a couple of actions you can take. Leave the post and field a bunch of questions about is it sold. Add "sold" to the post still maybe getting a bunch of questions. Remove the post. He simply chose the latter.

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