Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

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Steve DeGaetano
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Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

Post by Steve DeGaetano »

For everyone interested in purchasing a Viewliner hat badge, we are finally approaching that station!

Bill Colley, the Burnsland member known as Retlaw 7 and former DRR Conductor, is well known for his high-quality reproduction Disney hat badges and pins. He's taking a little break from badges, though, but he has graciously agreed to help me and a friend produce them! Using Bill's SF&D Conductor badge artwork as a starting point, we're revising it to feature the Viewliner wording, exactly like the original hat badge that went for over $4,000 in a recent auction.

We're still looking into pricing and availability--with the Sundance factory moving in late December, we want to let them get back up to speed before we do anything. Hopefully we'll have something in the first quarter of next year.

In addition to the hat badge, we're working on a Viewliner pin, featuring the graphics that appeared on the front of the Viewliner!

If anyone wants to PM their email address to me, I'll send out a blast when we're ready to start taking orders! You can also email me directly at steampassages at gmail "dot" com.

Looks like 2018 may start off to be a pretty good year!

The latest edition of Welcome Aboard the Disneyland Railroad! is now available to pre-order, with a special price for Burnslanders! You can read more about the book and pre-order a copy from
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Re: Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

Post by Steve DeGaetano »

OK, we've got the artwork finalized! It looks really sharp. We used the image of the original that was auctioned off a few months ago as the model, so it's highly accurate.

I will be posting it this weekend after I set up a Flikr account (or something similar), since I'm done with PhotoBucket.

The latest edition of Welcome Aboard the Disneyland Railroad! is now available to pre-order, with a special price for Burnslanders! You can read more about the book and pre-order a copy from
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Varnish Car
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Re: Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

Post by Varnish Car »

Can’t wait to see it!
Steve DeGaetano
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Re: Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

Post by Steve DeGaetano »

Alright, we finally have some artwork we can share!


Unlike Bill Colley, I'm not independently wealthy :wink: , so I will need to take pre-orders, because I don't have the funds to pay for a production run outright. The badge is $59.95, and includes shipping and handling. We are doing a bare-minimum run, and after we sell out, no more will be made.

If we don't sell enough pre-orders to do a run, I will refund everyone's money ASAP, but I think we should be able to make it.

You can send your orders to me via PayPal at steampassages "at" gmail "dot" com. If you'd like to send a check or money order, PM me and I'll send you my mailing address.

As I mentioned above, the Sundance factory moved in December, and is closing down for two weeks for the Lunar New Year, so I will find out when they can start their production line again. I will keep everyone posted on progress through this space.

For everyone who emailed me, I will send this information, if you don't see it here first.

Thanks to everyone for their interest, and a big thanks to Bill for being so helpful with his artwork, which really helped us move the project forward quickly.

The latest edition of Welcome Aboard the Disneyland Railroad! is now available to pre-order, with a special price for Burnslanders! You can read more about the book and pre-order a copy from
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Re: Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

Post by IDMT129 »


How long will this be open to pre-order? Please feel free to put this on the FB page as well or send me the link and I will do it. I know there is a lot of interest in the badges since people are seeing my collection of real and reproduction badges.
Steve DeGaetano
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Re: Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

Post by Steve DeGaetano »

IDMT129 wrote:Steve,

How long will this be open to pre-order? Please feel free to put this on the FB page as well or send me the link and I will do it. I know there is a lot of interest in the badges since people are seeing my collection of real and reproduction badges.
Pre-orders will be open until we have enough money for the production run, and then they will just evolve into "orders."

Thanks for the offer. What link do you need?

The latest edition of Welcome Aboard the Disneyland Railroad! is now available to pre-order, with a special price for Burnslanders! You can read more about the book and pre-order a copy from
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Re: Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

Post by IDMT129 »

whatever link steampassages leads to in either Facebook or a direct link to the page. You are a member of the Forum. Me, Preston, Sam, Mr Burns, and others are part of this group. You are welcome to post there the badge there or I can do it. I will send you my order through paypal later in the month. you wont believe the layouts and ideas folks have done.
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Re: Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

Post by IDMT129 »

money sent
Steve DeGaetano
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Re: Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

Post by Steve DeGaetano »

We're six orders away from being able to start the production run!

The latest edition of Welcome Aboard the Disneyland Railroad! is now available to pre-order, with a special price for Burnslanders! You can read more about the book and pre-order a copy from
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Varnish Car
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Re: Repro Viewliner Hat Badges Coming Soon!

Post by Varnish Car »

Getting a check in the mail to you Steve!
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