Board rules - read 'em and weep

Board rules, important announcements, FAQs, and more. This is a read-only forum. New members should read the rules in this section before posting.
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Board rules - read 'em and weep

Post by Steve »

1. The Disney Railroads Discussion Board is for entertainment and enjoyment for all who visit it. Each member is responsible for doing his or her part to keep things entertaining and enjoyable.

2. You must be at least 13 years of age to register and post on this board.

3. Only one screenname per brain. If you don't have a brain, don't bother registering. If you have more than one brain, you have bigger problems than posting on this board.

4. and its related parties shall not be held responsible for information posted on this board. This includes comments, information, pictures, and facts that have no basis in reality. However, rest assured that moderators as well as posters who actually know what they are talking about will do their best to keep things on the up and up.

5. This is a family board. Please keep things honest and clean. A good rule of thumb is this: If you wouldn't say it to my 81-year-old grandmother, don't post it here.

6. The discussion board moderators have the right to do whatever action may be deemed necessary to enforce these rules, as well as any general rules of decency and good taste that may not be included in this list. This includes editing posts, deleting posts, warning members, and banning members.

7. If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.

8. If someone posts something that you disagree with, please respond to that post in a kind, gentle manner. Only take it to a moderator as a last resort. Moderators don't exist to solve arguments, after all.

9. Users only have a limited time to edit their posts. After that time has passed, the post stays as it is. Be careful what you post - you may have to live with it later.

10. Lords a leaping.

11. This discussion board and related website are independently owned and operated. and its related properties have no connection to The Walt Disney Company or any of its business divisions.

13. This discussion board is for private use only. However, if anyone wants to pay big bucks for sponsorship, everyone has a price.

14. takes no responsibility for content found on sites linked from this site. This also includes sites that are linked from advertising banners found on this site. We think they are good enough to include a banner to their site, but click at your own risk.

15. The primary purpose of this board is to discuss the railroads found at Disney theme parks around the world. Hence the catchy name, "Disney Railroads Discussion Board". Discussion of other railroads is welcome in the "Other Railroads" forum. However, don't lose sight of the primary goal.

16. Registration for the board must be approved by an administrator for your account to be activated. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but we're doing our best to keep out spammers.

17. While not an absolute requirement, good spelling and grammar are highly appreciated in these parts. And both qualities also help in conveying whatever it is you are trying to say to other people. This ain't English class, but it is the real world.