First off, a note about photo locations. You are not able to upload photos directly to this board. Therefore, any photos you post must be hosted on some other site. Might I recommend, which has worked well for me. Photobucket will even show you the correct IMG code, so that you can just highlight and paste the code from the Photobucket site into your message.
There are a few other free image hosting sites out there as well. You would need to upload your photos to one of these sites, or your own site if you have one. Also note that some photo sites do not allow image hotlinking, so be sure to check that out before you go to the trouble of uploading photos.
Once you have your photos uploaded to the internet, posting them is quite simple. All you have to do is put IMG tags around the URL of the photo. For example, placing the following code in a message:
Code: Select all

Be advised that photos larger than 700 pixels in width will automatically be scaled down. However, that won't affect the actual photo file that you uploaded, just the way it displays on the screen. And also be sure that your photos are uploaded to a site. If they are only on your computer and you try to link to them, then you will be able to see them on your computer, but the rest of us won't view them.
If you have any further questions or problems, feel free to contact a board administrator for help![/color]