New Home

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New Home

Post by Steve »

The Disney Railroads Discussion Board has a new home, but everything should work the same. Only the URL for the site has changed. Please update your bookmarks to:

You should be automatically redirected to here if you use the old address, too. Hopefully, all of that works just fine. If for some reason you have any problems, let me know and I will see what I can do.

If you want to know the reasons why, here's probably more information than you want. I have actually been thinking about moving the board to its own dedicated subdomain for some time. When the rest of the Burnsland links look like (not an actual link, by the way), and the board address is, things could get a little confusing. A dedicated subdomain looks a little cleaner, I think.

Also, I have been doing lots of work behind the scenes for all the other Burnsland stuff. All of the main content is moving from WordPress to Hugo (you can read some about that in the post Welcome to Adventures by Burnsland, by the way). To make all of that work with the old stuff in the new locations, the simple thing would be to have a redirect rule to automatically point to the new content. However, when the discussion board link is almost indistinguishable from all the other links, that makes a redirect rule difficult. So the best solution was to move the board to its own home away from those redirect links. Of course, I had to create a separate redirect link to point the board posts to here, but that was rather simple, too. That rule is actually run first, so that after that the non-board links will point to the right place, too.

If you are reading this, then hopefully everything is working just like it should!
Steve DeGaetano
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Re: New Home

Post by Steve DeGaetano »

Huh! The move was apparently seamless. I didn't know anything had changed until I read this!

The latest edition of Welcome Aboard the Disneyland Railroad! is now available to pre-order, with a special price for Burnslanders! You can read more about the book and pre-order a copy from
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Re: New Home

Post by Steve »

Great! I was hoping it would be seamless. But I thought I better post about it just in case something didn’t work right for someone.
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